Building the Elite blog

Resources on how to get ready for SOF selection and improve human performance. Building the Elite blog article topics include physical and mental components essential to success during Special Operations Forces selections and deployments.

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Land Nav and the 3 Rules

Land Navigation and the Three Rules of SFAS

Land Navigation and the Three Rules of SFAS - Dr. David Walton Always look cool. Never get lost. If ...
How to prepare for the Australian Army Special Forces Entry Test

How to Prepare for the Australian Army Special Forces Entry Test (SFET)

Introduction Preparing for the Australian Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) and Commando(CDO) units' selection process is a formidable challenge. ...
training around injuries during SOF selection preparation

Training Around Injuries

"Training Around Injuries" By Jonathan Pope Just as nature takes every obstacle, every impediment, and works around it — ...
conditioning for special operations selection training by building the elite

Conditioning 101: A Guide for Special Operations Selection Training

The traditional conditioning model is antiquated and inaccurate.  In this article, we'll introduce how to implement a new model ...
Paradoxical intention SOF mental training

Paradoxical Intention: A Look into SOF Selection Mental Training

SOF selection requires that you develop a close relationship with pain. This doesn’t just mean lots of dramatic grimacing ...
How to change your relationship with pain and fatigue

How to Change your Relationship with Pain and Fatigue

"How to Change your Relationship with Pain and Fatigue" by Craig Weller Take away your opinion, and then there ...

Unlearning Fear

* The process outlined in this article isn’t a replacement for working with a skilled mental health practitioner. If ...
How to use stress to your advantage by changing your stress mindset

How to Use Stress to Your Advantage: Stress Mindset

We don’t perform at our best or live to our fullest by simply eliminating stress. Our stress responses are ...

On Motivation

Everyone wants to know the ‘secret’ to motivation. Like most topics, this isn’t as simple as repeating cliches like ...

Back in the Box

In the footnotes of one of his books, Dr. Robert Sapolsky includes a note on people with "Type A" ...

Average Fails Everyone

Military aircraft technology evolved rapidly in the years after World War 2. With the introduction of jet engines, planes ...

Concurrent Programming: How to Organize Training for SOF Selection

Programming is tough. It is hard to figure out how to organize training for SOF selection. There are a ...
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