
A Pair of Boots

By Craig Weller / January 30, 2021 / 3 Comments

I was still 17 when I enlisted in the Navy. My parents had to sign the enlistment paperwork for me since I wasn’t of legal age. This wasn’t without some resistance. I could have become a doctor. Or a lawyer. These are the two jobs that are supposed to be in your future when you’re […]

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Secondary Emotions

By Craig Weller / October 21, 2020 / 2 Comments

Regardless of your occupation, self-regulation is a key component of resilience and performance under stress.    Self-regulation has an immediate effect, in that it helps you direct your cognitive function and make better decisions in difficult situations.  In the medium-term, it helps to modulate circadian rhythms, prevent burnout, and manage energy and recovery.  And, in […]

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Every F**king Day

By Craig Weller / April 16, 2020 / 0 Comments

Nearly everyone knows of Demetrious Johnson – the 11-time UFC Champion, and top contender for greatest-of-all-time MMA fighter.  A few years ago we were hanging out with his long-time strength and conditioning coach, Joel Jamieson, who told us a story about Demetrious and what made him so special.  Demetrious didn’t have what you’d call a […]

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Hardiness personality components in special operations forces

Commitment, Control, and Challenge: How Hardiness Helps Special Operators Succeed

By Craig Weller / March 21, 2020 / 3 Comments

Bodies can be remarkably strong. They’re hard to truly break, and – given the right circumstances – easy to repair. Bodies of SOF candidates are even stronger. So, it should be no surprise that people usually fail out of selection not because of physical factors, but mental ones. The mind breaks before the body. Physical […]

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