special operations

Hardiness personality components in special operations forces

Commitment, Control, and Challenge: How Hardiness Helps Special Operators Succeed

By Craig Weller / March 21, 2020 / 3 Comments

Bodies can be remarkably strong. They’re hard to truly break, and – given the right circumstances – easy to repair. Bodies of SOF candidates are even stronger. So, it should be no surprise that people usually fail out of selection not because of physical factors, but mental ones. The mind breaks before the body. Physical […]

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Special Operations Nutrition: Dealing with the Unpredictable

By Craig Weller / February 16, 2020 / 4 Comments

“What’s your name? Where are you? What day is it?”  I had no idea.  This strange yet vaguely familiar person may as well have been asking me to solve quadratic equations.  As I excavated my brain for answers to his puzzles, he lowered me to the deck of the pool and called for the medic.  […]

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The Downside of “Mental Toughness”

By buildelite / August 26, 2019 / 1 Comment

As we cover in our book, the research on mental toughness is pretty scattered and hard to pin down to a single definition. It can be easily conflated with related concepts like conscientiousness or the capacity for delayed gratification. Usually, ‘mental toughness’ is a catch-all to describe a range of other characteristics. It’s kind of […]

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