selection prep

Strength Training for Special Operations Prep thumbnail

Strength Training for Special Operations Selection Prep

By Jonathan Pope / March 5, 2021 / 9 Comments

Strength & Power Training Methods  Strength and power development is one of the primary pillars of SOF prep training along with conditioning (running, rucking, swimming), work capacity, and movement (including breathing) work. This article provides an overview of how to create strength training programs for Special Operations selection prep. What is strength? Strength is the […]

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Hardiness personality components in special operations forces

Commitment, Control, and Challenge: How Hardiness Helps Special Operators Succeed

By Craig Weller / March 21, 2020 / 3 Comments

Bodies can be remarkably strong. They’re hard to truly break, and – given the right circumstances – easy to repair. Bodies of SOF candidates are even stronger. So, it should be no surprise that people usually fail out of selection not because of physical factors, but mental ones. The mind breaks before the body. Physical […]

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