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Goal and career-specific training programs that adapt to your needs and schedule


Our proprietary algorithm compares your fitness to where it needs to be to do your job or accomplish your goal and automatically individualizes your program


As your fitness improves your program adjusts to consistently challenge you. Our training programs adapt your training while keeping you on track with your long term goals.  


Every training session includes a mental skill emphasis to help build your mind as well as your body. Every training block & session includes an in-depth overview, so you know exactly why and how to get the most out of each training session. 

bte compass transparent

+ Goal and career-specific programs

  • SOF Prep: Specific selection prep programs for every branch of the US Military (Navy, Air Force, Army, Marines). We also have programs for Australian SASR, British SAS/SBS, CANSOF JFT-2 & CSOR, and FBI HRT.
  • Operator: For those looking to improve fitness across the board, stay healthy, and perform well when operational.
  • LEO: Programs for law enforcement (police, sheriff, homeland security, FBI) or those preparing to work in this field.
  • Fire: Urban or wildland-specific firefighter programs.
  • Civilian: Perfect for anyone who wants to be capable of excelling at any physical task while becoming more physically, mentally, and emotionally resilient.

+ Understand your weaknesses and target them

The BTE Training App automates many of the processes we use as coaches. It will assess your strengths and weaknesses and create a semi-individualized & goal-specific program based on your goals. Our fitness algorithm provides an in-depth overview of where you need to focus your training efforts. Working with BTE coaches, we'll use that data to adjust your training program to maintain strengths and improve weaknesses.

+ Build mental skills

Every training session includes a specific mental skill focus. Daily lessons help you build mental skills to become more resilient and capable week after week, month after month. 

+ Unlimited access to BTE coaches to ask questions & get answers 

You can message the world-class BTE coaching team anytime to get your questions quickly answered. 

+ Adjust workouts based on your schedule

Change your weekly structure, and pause training when needed. Whatever your schedule, the program can adapt to fit it.

+ Learn about the 'why' behind your training sessions

Learn why specific methods and training sessions are assigned to you and how they will help you achieve your goals.

+ Track progress and get individualized guidance for every training session

PR tracking, suggested weights, running and rucking speeds, and heart rate zones based on your specific capabilities help you get the most out of every training session.

+ Automatic adjustments

Show up and do the work; the app takes care of the rest. You'll be guided to review and adjust your strategies based on your physical and mental performance.

+ On-demand workouts

Finishers, movement circuits, bodyweight workouts, and add-ons are always available.

Only $49 / every 4 weeks


4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 59 reviews)
Very good3%


July 11, 2024

Great interaction with the coaches. They are really invested in making sure everything is right for the candidates.

The speed with which the coaches reply is impressive (they US, me UK) and always looking to get the best results about of you and work to give you the best experience


Inevitable improvement

June 13, 2024

If you do the work, you will improve faster than you ever could on your own.

Tess Dickles

Elite training

May 17, 2024

BTE are the best at what they do. From the physical training, to mental and emotional resilience skills, parred w nutrition and all other aspects of overall wellness and prep. Tried and proven, and the ability to tailor it to your specific needs, love everything about the team here. get with it


Solid Program

May 15, 2024

I had 2 months to prepare for a tactical team as an LEO. Even in this limited time, the program I was put on cut my run time down by a whole minute and got me ready. I passed selection with no injuries and every movement they put you on works. 10/10 recommend!


Intelligent training from good people

May 5, 2024

I came to BTE with a goal regarding vertical climbing (I am not a SOF candidate etc). I also had decided that I was going to drop my body weight to further support my goals. My assessments all improved within 6 months, even my maximal strength which surprised me as I was completely ready to give up some strength. The gentleman at BTE are always responsive and professional with any questions, and have a good sense of humor to boot.



Training is delivered via the BTE Training App. Once you sign up, we'll send you an invite link to set up an account and download the iOS or Android App. Once you've set up your account, we'll upload training.

Due to the individualization process that the app uses to create your training program, there are hundreds of different training programs. However, there are five main tracks:

  1. SOF Selection (8-20 hours per week)
    • You are preparing for a US military SOF (any branch) selection process. 
    • We also have programs for: Australian SASR, British SAS/SBS, CANSOF JFT-2 & CSOR, and FBI HRT.
    • We likely have a program for you if you are prepping for any SOF or high-level law enforcement selection. If you have any questions, email us at [email protected].
  2. Operator (5-7 hours per week)
    • You are an operator looking to improve fitness across the board, stay healthy, and perform well when operational. 
  3. LEO (4-5 hours per week)
    • You work in law enforcement (police, sheriff, homeland security, FBI, etc) or are preparing to work in this field. 
  4. Fire (4-6 hours per week)
    • You work as a firefighter (urban or wildland) or are preparing to work in this field. 
  5. Civilian (3-4 hours per week) 
    • Your job doesn’t rely on your physical performance; if it does, it falls outside the categories listed. Regardless of your occupation, you want to be capable of excelling at any physical task while becoming more mentally and emotionally resilient.  

Once you choose a track, you’ll work through the onboarding questions and assessments to build a program based on your goals and overall fitness.

Yes. Instead of an arbitrary or one-size-fits-all approach based on a goal that makes a ton of assumptions, your goals are defined by your career path or desired capability. From there, the training is individualized based on your current fitness level. 

So, if there are two people training for the same goals, the person with a huge endurance background doesn’t get the same program as the individual who is incredibly strong, but hasn’t been doing much endurance training. This leads to far more effective training based on you, not just your goals. 

How many days you train each week depends on what you’re training for and how fit you are. Regardless, you can always ‘pause’ the program to catch up, skip workout days, reduce the volume of a workout, and adjust the schedule on the fly. All of these options make it easy to adjust your training when life happens.

Each training session provides an expected completion time and is also labeled to help you decide which ones to save for the days when you’re fresh, and which you can knock out on busier days or when you’re a little more fatigued.   

You can easily look ahead to preview what’s coming up and adjust the training schedule accordingly. You can adjust your training in three ways: 

  1. Adjust: You can adjust which training sessions are assigned to each day in the next week. This allows you to adjust training based on your schedule. 
  2. Pause: Programs are assigned when you need them, not on a never ending loop. If you miss a few days or are on vacation for a week you can easily pick up where you left off. When you need a new program it will show up. 
We can work around nearly any situation. This is why you have access to BTE coaches to help adjust your program as needed. 
Depending on the difficulty of your PT sessions and/or the total workload of your job, we'll work together to create guidelines for adjusting existing workouts or we'll adjust the total volume and makeup of your program to account for ongoing demands. 


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